Saturday, November 04, 2006

Ghost in your Laptop!

Kategori: My Side

After a long interview with some students who have an internet access in their computer, I can make an assumption: Internet is blamable to destroy our entire life. Ask me why?

Simple, you may ask those kind of people, what do they do if they start their life in the morning. One of answer is maybe switch on computer, connect to the internet, go to Yahoo Messenger, see how many mails they got during the night, answer the offline messages, check out their mailbox, continue to other mailbox, or even open their Friendster, or see some on-line-news-sites. But it’s not only happend in the morning, but in all leisure time! Worst, right?

Those people may sit so many hours in front of their PC. And it really brings laziness. Our plans to read scripts from campus or to cook for our lunch will get lost. It is more dangerous than opium or other addicted-narcotics. You waste your time with doing nothing, but you can’t go away from it!

Ru’yah, an islamic method to take out some mystical things from our body, is just booming in our community in Berlin. I have asked an Ustadz, when he was in Berlin during Ramadhan, what are the signs by someone who should be taken in ru’yah. Then he aswered, „being so lazy to do something,“. I told him spontaneously, „So please take me in ru’yah! The sign is on me!“. He laughed, then answered, „You shouldn’t, but you should marry soon!“.

I still believe that there’s something wrong in my body. It seems like I dont have any feel like doing something. All I want to do is just sitting on my PC, altough there’s nothing I do with it. I try to share this annoying feel to the other, and I was suprised, that they have also the same problem like me! It’s all because our PC.

Someone has told me his method to divert us from it, especially in the exam time. Keep your laptop in your bag, lock up, and not to open it until next weekend. And it works! You can concentrate your day with something usefull.

I think, our laptop should be taken in ru’yah! Not us! So, beware!


Anonymous said...

kinda the story of my life. The game of my life.

Really touch my heart.

Laptop make me lazy..not really, for example i can learn while i surf internet.

Just belong to the person.....

If there's no internet, what should i do ? just see the blue sky from my window ? laugh by myself ? learn and read everytime ? those just make me tuutuut gujes gujes tut tut gujes gujes.

btw koq gw ngerasa kalo gw lg dikandangin yah ? dikandangin di sebuah sangkar berukuran ca. 24 m².

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, it sounds so funny! You really make my day with your comment! See the blue sky from your window in the silent. I understand your condition, live in balik gunung seorang diri, so you feel like lagi dikandangin. But I know you, yang rajin banget dari jaman SMP dan SMA, jadi gak ngaruh sama kekuatan mbak kunti from your laptop.

Van, go out! see the life, jangan cuma di kamar terus! Come to Berlin, then you'll get satisfaction dengan keramaiannya.

Anonymous said...

i always go outside and see the difference of life but it so pathetic if i go just by myself. There's no one to talk with or maybe i can talk to my other self on the mirror from the bus. LOL

i really want to go to berlin but no money. Maybe later. I will go to the other city that i never been there.

sumpah deh gw kyak dikandangin...males bgt..

Anonymous said...

You see,

Berlin is always a good city ever,
so that's why I don't want to go out from this city, altough I was accepted in Hamburg, Munich, and Braunschweig to study there...

Dear Irvan and Atika, this lonely feelings like dikandangin or something like that are not only happend just in both you, but also in Sultan, Hima, Ija or someone else who decided to go out...

Well, friends, go back to Berlin even just for a night... I'm sure, you are tergoda to taste a delicious restourant such as Libanon, Ishin, and other halal restaurants... Hehehehe :-)

We are waiting for your arrival!

Anonymous said...

but it's not so wonderful if i just live in Berlin for all my life in Germany...

This is just as a step to have a better future...:p (gak segitunya sih).

Anonymous said...

mau di rukyaH?
pernah tuh gw
darah menggumpal
trus kaya film silat gitu di totok sambil pengobat saya komat-kamit baca mantra qur'an hihihi...

gw sendiri juga kadang malah berpikir komputer lebih menantang daripada kehidupan nyata...

semagnat bro!!!vdngy

Anonymous said...

kinda' funny when I compare with my laziness to surf the friendster and open my mail, I wonder if I can be as productive as u in case of cyber activity. But now as I saw your case, I'm so thankful that I'm not so in-to net although I promise I will (if u still remember when :), Ne, Dimas-san I wonder if u have so many leisure time, Coz if u do I envy for that. Here in Indo I touch the net just to get data for my paper and browse any politics or inspiring journal, pathetic isn't it. So u know why lately my creativity had falling to the deepest ocean. Btw today The Dajjal (Bush: red) coming to our place. Pray for us will u, so we can reunite to face him with proud and saying (again) "Go to hell with your aid!"

Anonymous said...

Dear Diah,

It's more better if you have a limited cyber-activity-time, because you know that you have to manage your time as effective as you can. But it gives you in the end an effective result.

Then you know who I am in my leisure time T_T

Go move! I've read that Bush will come today... Show him that we are strong and not easily be played by him.

Anonymous said...

This is the second time I touch the net today, again to search some political data, Daijoubu desu ne! (it's all right) if I know bout ur leisure activity, no hard-feeling ok! anyway can u give me any idea to let him (Bush-Red) know that we r strong and not easily be played by him, since our government have been doing contradiction act lately (to welcome him in particular). Now tell me, do u think we still do the "bebas-aktif" politics?

Anonymous said...

Well, I am actually not observing what is going on in Indonesian foreign-affair politics recently, so I don't know wheter we should keep our "bebas-aktif" politics due to our government's act (or better not). And it needs more works to be stronger. I think that we did many demonstrations against Bush's arrival is already a sign that we are serious and dangerous, that we are going to be strong, or we are in process to be...

I trust on you - as UI political student, to be more critical viewing every step from our government in handling world's global political problems...

Ganbate ne!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your trust, I know that my question is out of ur competence, but since politics is a social studies, I just wondering u know bout this. Sorry if I'm being to serious or ridicilous. U2, Ganbaru yo!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to say sorry because you are not ridicilous!

FYI, but OOT, I have an informatic quiz in short time (it will be at 16:15 and now is 14:50). Please pray for me... Hehehehe...


Anonymous said...

masya allah mas,aku mau kasih komentar jadi gak pd.masak sih harus ambil kursus di british council dulu,biar bisa nulis?mas irvan juga tuh.udah deh aku mau daftar kursus ingris dulu yah.

Anonymous said...

------- irvan berkata -------

*melirik komentar diatas ini ^ *

mbak fay maksudnya apa tuh ??? koq ada nama aku ?? huhuhuhuhu

*berpikir berkali2 tetep jg gak ngerti apa maksudnya*

hamba mohon pencerahan kepada suhu

Anonymous said...

hey asinan cumi...baca tulisan lo yang ini, gue setuju banget ama pak ustadz...lo buru2 dah nikah.
tapi tng masukin laptop ke tas seminggu nggak ngaruh lahyauu...pasti addddaaaaa ajaaaa yang kudu gue liat (entah itu tugas,foto ato sekedar liat wallpapernya yang gambar idola ibukota) dan kalo udah kebuka...bukan salah gue kan kalo ternyata wirelessnya nyala sendiri dan membuka...FRIENDSTER !!!hikhik...pitoyable abiizzz
eh...what's with the berlin attitude sih bung ??? orang pondok bambu aja belagu.
jakarta tetep lebih cihuy !!!!
(ya...dengan munafiknya harus kuakui...kalau ada pooling milih kota yang paling keren, gue pasti akan jawab...: NEW YORK)

Anonymous said...

well, this posting is the most discussed in my blog, dunno why, but thanks for all comments!

hmm, I should release some new posting but I still wait for the mood and the idea, it based on the feeling then I can write something.

pour someone who prefer to be anonym, I need at least your name in privat way to know with whom I talk to!